
Computer Use Policy

General Computer Use

All users of the computers in the OU-Tulsa Schusterman Library are expected to comply with the “Acceptable use of Information Systems” policies, standards, and guidelines available at https://it.ouhsc.edu/policies.

The Schusterman Library computers are intended to support the education, research, and patient care missions of the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa. Computers are available for use by OU-Tulsa students, faculty, staff, and resident physicians.

Computers, software, and access to the internet provide students, faculty, staff, and resident physicians with opportunities to develop and employ skills that improve acquisition of information relevant to an environment of teaching, healing, and discovering.

Any person found in violation of the rules, or interfering with library activities, or creating a disturbance may be asked to leave the library and could be banned from future library use.

Group Study Room Policy
  • Use of the group study rooms is limited to OU-Tulsa students, residents, faculty, and staff.
  • Group study rooms may be reserved for a maximum of three hours per day per group. 
  • A reservation with 'no show' will be cancelled after 15 minutes.
Circulation Policies
For detailed information on our policies on checkout out books, as well as making payments for library fines and fees, see our Circulation Policies page.